Complaint Attorney
When an individual finds a violation of Penal Code (theft, false advertising, fraud, abandonment of family etc. ...), you can complain directly to the Prosecutor of the Republic, by letter.
Upon receipt of the complaint, the prosecutor may either dismiss the case or initiate prosecutions.
In this case, it takes the initiative to the investigation or captured, in more complex cases, the investigating judge.
In the event the victim wishes to seek redress it will have a civil (to the judge when he is appointed, or directly before the trial court) establishing and assessing the damage suffered.
Attorney competent to receive the complaint is the prosecutor of the Tribunal de Grande Instance of the place where the crime was committed.
(full name)
(date and place of birth)
On ...
letter with acknowledgment of receipt
Subject: Filing a complaint for a criminal offense
Mr. Prosecutor,
I have the honor of complaint against X (or the person's name, address, occupation ... ) for ... (Nature of the crime) because of the following facts:
(statement of facts detailing the nature and amount of damage)
These facts seem to me to characterize the offense susrelatée, thank you kindly give this application the action it entails.
Please accept, Mr. Prosecutor, the expression of my feelings distinguished.
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