Monday, March 23, 2009

лолита арт

a garage or parking


M. .. (full name) residing at
acting in his capacity as owner

hereinafter (e) "The Landlord" and

M. .. (full name) (add if necessary : And M. ..) residing
(respectively) to ... (And ...),

hereinafter (e) (s) "Lessee"


The Lessor shall lease the site below after which the designated Tenant agrees:


The parking lot outside ... No, located at the following address: ...

The parking No ... located in the basement ... (Indicate level) of the building located at ...

(variant 1) The closed box
No ... located at the following address: ...

(variant 2) The closed box
No ... located in the basement ... (Indicate level) of the building located at ... The Tenant declares

familiar places to be visited.

This lease is granted and accepted general conditions and the following special:

1. Contract Period

This contract is concluded for a period of ... . It will take effect from ... 23/03/2009. Accordingly, it will expire on ... 23/03/2009.

At the end of this period, it may be terminated by registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt by either party at any time, subject to compliance with a notice period ... .

This contract is concluded for a period of ... . It will take effect from ... 23/03/2009. Accordingly, it will expire on ... 23/03/2009.

Failing leave notified by either party ... (number) months before its expiry, this contract will be automatically renewed for the same duration.

2. Total rental

2.1. Rent

Fixing Rent
This lease is granted and accepted upon payment of a monthly rent of ... euros, plus VAT, payable in advance on the first of each month.

Rent Review
The rent so fixed shall be reviewed at the end of each lease year or the ... (Or: a date commonly between the parties ...) according to the change in the national index of construction costs published by INSEE
Benchmarks are respectively the index of ... (Number) quarter ... (Year), whose value amounted to ... and the same quarter of each year.
The delay in publication the index will not allow the Tenant to withhold payment of rent. This will be paid on the normal, as the amount of the previous term, deferred until following the review.

2.2. Rental charges

In addition to rent, the tenant must pay to the Lessor its proportionate share of the following charges: ...

charges will be paid at the same time as the main rent by monthly allowances and will be subject to annual adjustment.

The amount of the monthly allowance is set at ... euros.

3. Deposit

In order to guarantee the proper performance of its obligations, the tenant pays the Landlord that day, which recognizes and gives him a receipt, the amount of ... (In words) (... (in figures)) as a deposit.

Said deposit is non-interest bearing and will be returned to Tenant at the end of rental deduction, if any, of amounts due to Lessor and such sums as it may be held in lieu of Tenant , provided they are duly justified.

In no event shall the existence of this deposit will provide Lessee for payment, their timing, amounts owed to Lessor and in particular, out of contract, payment of last month's rent and expenses.

4. Keys and accessories delivered

It is awarded to date to the Tenant, which recognizes ... Keywords (or: ... magnetic cards, or ... remote) providing access to rented space.

In case of loss of these accessories during the rental, they will be replaced by Lessor against Lessee for payment of the sum of ... euros for each of them. In case of failure to return at the end of rental, the same amount will be deducted from the deposit paid by Lessee.

5. General Obligations tenant

This lease is granted and accepted the charges and conditions, as Lessee agrees to comply:

. occupy the space assigned to the exclusion of any other place without being able to lend, assign or sublet to anyone.

. peaceful use of the leased premises after the destination that was given to them by this contract, (add, if an apartment building) without doing anything which would harm the quiet enjoyment of other occupants and the good performance of the building.

. make no mechanical repair whatsoever, and no emptying operation, washing or greasing of his vehicle on that site. It will also refrain from storing gasoline and flammable or fat or use of such products on site.

. ensure the vehicle against theft, fire, damage to others, and more generally against all risks associated with the use of rented space. He acknowledges that Lessor is not responsible for disturbance or damage due to third parties, including the theft of his vehicle or objects found in and declare to waive all claims cons The Landlord.

. to rented space in its current state, without requiring the Landlord to repair any of whatever nature and provide for the duration of the lease all rental repairs, so it is returned at the end of the rental in good condition for renting.

. ... (Other conditions)

6. Termination clause

This agreement will terminate immediately and automatically without any need to order the termination in court, a month (or ...) after an unsuccessful command to default on the terms agreed of all or part rent and expenses properly justified or in cases of non-compliance of any of its obligations by the tenant.

The benefit of the termination clause granted to the Lessor, Lessee shall leave the premises immediately. Failing deportation, and that of any occupant, will be held upon an injunction.

7. Registration - Fees and Expenses

This contract is subject to registration if either party so desires and in this case at its own expense.

All costs and fees of this contract shall be borne solely by the Tenant.

8. Election of domicile

The parties elect domicile: The Landlord in his home and the Lessee in the leased premises.

Rayes ZERO:

words ... lines

Done at ... ... . In
... copies, one is given to each party that recognizes it.

Signature with Signature preceded by the handwritten
the handwritten
"Read and approved". "Read and approved".


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