Monday, March 23, 2009

Grey Bumps And Red Spots On Palate Strep

promise after sales contract employee of buildings for which a schedule can be established (Category A)

The employment contract of an employee of property must be in writing and include, besides the indication of the national collective agreement and applicable collective agreements, the following:

- identity of parties, with the indication for the employee, nationality and in case of foreign nationality, type and number of Title worth work permit, along with its number Social Security and employer, social security body which he will pay the social security contributions and the number under which they will be paid
- duration of the contract, with the date of hire (if the contract is is fixed term, provide the date of termination and the reason for this term)
- title, grade and job category of employee
- the employee's duties
workplace - employee's wage (components of compensation, the amount of base salary, periodicity of payment of compensation) (if it is a part-time contract, in addition to indicate the hourly and monthly wages for the duration of work specified in the contract)
- Hours daily or weekly (if it is a part-time contract indicate the weekly or monthly work, which limits additional hours can be made, the distribution of working hours between days of the week or weeks of the month and the conditions for change in this breakdown)
- duration of paid leave (the reference to the collective agreement is sufficient)
- notice period (the reference to the collective agreement is sufficient) The contract must

initialed on each page and signed by both parties. A copy must be given to the employee.

(the model below applies to an employee in Class A: employee working in a zone)


M. .. (Full name of employer) residing
at ..., or

The condominium association of the building located at
represented by M. .. (Full name)
acting in its capacity as trustee and

M. .. (Full name of employee) residing in
... (Social security number),


IM .. (Full name of employee), a French citizen (if the employee is a foreign national, enter the type and number of work permits as worth), is hired as an employee of building, level ... ... coefficient, Class A for the building located at ... (Address of workplace).

This contract is governed by the collective national guards, janitors and building staff of 11 December 1979, a copy of which was presented today to Mr. .. that recognizes, as well as by collective agreements following ... .

II. This contract is concluded for an indefinite period, from ... (Date of hire).
A trial period of one month is expected, however, from ... (date of hire) at ... (End date of the trial period).
After this trial period, either party may terminate this contract, subject to compliance with applicable regulations including the notice period under the respective collective agreement.

III. The daily amount (or: weekly, or monthly) is set to ... (Number) hours, divided as follows ... (If it is a part-time contract, specify the weekly or monthly working hours between days of the week or weeks of the month, also indicate the conditions for change in the distribution deduction, in this regard within a week of kindness must be respected).

... (If a contract, state the limits within which can be made for additional hours)

IV. As part of this agreement, Mr. .. shall perform the following tasks: ... (Indicate the specific tasks assigned to the employee and the conditions under which they will be executed)

V. Total gross monthly remuneration is set at the amount of ... (In figures and words), broken down as follows:

- base salary: coefficient (hierarchical point value x x monthly working time) / 169 (or: ...) = ... EUR

- additional salary (additional leaderless x employment rate) = ...

added that the salary supplements provided by the collective agreement.

This remuneration will be paid on 1st of each month to the employee (or: ...).

The employer will pay contributions to Social Security the following organization ..., number ... .

VI. The duration of paid leave will be calculated in accordance with the collective agreement.

Done at ... ...
In two copies, one is given to each parties who recognizes it.

(signature preceded by the words "read and approved") (signature preceded by the words "read and approved")


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