It was held Thursday, November 11, 2010 in Bobo-Dioulasso, a General Assembly (GA) constitutive for the establishment of the National Union of mango producers from Burkina (UNPMB). The AG has seen the effective participation of different actors in the mango industry from five regions of Burkina Faso. The ceremonial opening session was chaired by Pascal Benon, Governor the Hauts-Bassin.
production of mango was once perceived as an activity of picking food from a booster. Today, we are able to find that mango is a good place in trade through the production areas. All the better to organize it that was held in Bobo-Dioulasso 11 November 2010 a General Assembly (GA) with the aim of establishing an umbrella organization of producers of mangoes.
The governor of the Hauts-Bassin, Pascal T. Benon, in his opening remarks, praised the initiative of mango producers from Burkina to have a body representation. While thanking the PAFASP (Support Programme agro-forestry-pastoral), the main partner of the UNPMB, the Governor hoped that this organization does not just come and fill the institutional landscape but it is the visible sign a commitment to meet the challenge of production and export of mango.
Josiah Zounzaola Dabire
Article from Daily "The country of 21 November
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