What Independence is when you're hungry?
Manifestation of women producing milk in June 2007
December 11, 2010: The Burkina Faso celebrates 50 years of independence 50 years without real food and agricultural policy is a long time!
This Saturday, December 11, Burkina Faso is fun: it celebrates 50 years of independence. Burkina is celebrating, but what about the Burkinabe? Without doubt the city of Bobo-Dioulasso is celebrating, she welcomes the celebration of this anniversary. But what about the villages?
But the real question is posed, two years ago, Mr. Mahourou Kanazoe in the Burkinabe newspaper "The Nation" in August 2008: "What is independence when you're hungry? "The author was speaking when
the crisis of the cost of living was still on everyone's mind. He wrote: "And now asked, in all its cruelty, the issue of food sovereignty. How proud African states did they celebrate 48 years (today it is 50 years! - Ed) of independence when they are not able to feed their people? ... It will crop agricultural policies, streamlining strategies and resources in the service of food products. "
In fact, the miracle did not happen. Agricultural policies have not been cropped. The
Confederation Paysanne, who made seven proposals at the cost of living, has not been heard. In my opinion, they are still valid. Also, we publish them again. Seven in number, they amount to support the sector consisting of agriculture and specifically to producers.
1) Increased investment in agriculture .
In Burkina Faso, the current level of investment in agriculture should be revised upwards and oriented towards food production. We're talking about a direct investment to finance activities agricultural producers and non-profit operating expenses of departments in charge of agriculture.
2) access to inputs, agricultural equipment and veterinary products .
inputs, agricultural equipment and veterinary products are important factors for increasing agro-forestry-pastoral. However, Burkina Faso, access to these factors reflects the great suffering of the producers. Despite some tax benefits (on the grant of tractors and pumps), agricultural inputs (fertilizers, seeds, pesticides, livestock, etc..) Tractors and pumps are not within the reach of small farmers who, hitherto, have produced 45% of the country's wealth. Facilitating access to inputs must begin with the operation "700 tractors launched by the government.
3) The lower rate of interest of agricultural credit. .
The availability of agricultural credit by means lower interest rates which is currently two digits, a digit (7%) as in some countries of the subregion. This availability also involves the abolition of VAT on agricultural credit and the establishment of suitable mechanisms agricultural investment (warranty) and think about the security risks related to the production and marketing of agricultural products.
4) The recovery system support / advice .
The dismantling of the support system / board spoke in favor of the Structural Adjustment Programme (SAP) has been a great destiny for producers in Burkina Faso. Left to themselves, producers gradually lose their capacity, grope in production systems and eventually stumble down productivity. For this eventuality, the State must reinvent a system of support / advice to producers based primarily on support to agricultural sectors and in consultation with farmers' organizations and other actors.
5) Accompany frankly marketing of agricultural products .
To enable each producer to control its supply chain from upstream to downstream and to allow consumers continued access to food, the state must get involved in the commercialization by facilitating the establishment of distribution channels, by establishing a guaranteed minimum price and ensuring better junction between production and market. This solution is possible in farming since she joined the remarks of a senior IMF official who believes that
resorption of the current crisis goes largely by state intervention in national economies.
The protection of agricultural marketing and promotion of regional integration .
since 2002 and in a burst of vision, the CPF has always reported
the danger of opening our borders to subsidized agricultural products for export. Even competitive short term, we ensure the long term, these imports would put a strain on food sovereignty in Burkina and in general in West Africa. The history and give us reason crisis and allow us to seize an opportunity to urge the government to give priority to not only the production, processing and consumption of local products, but also to focus on its participation in the construction of the West African integration. Space par excellence for agro-forestry-pastoral and diverse ecosystems,
West Africa has a market, based on complementarities ecological, facilitate trade in agricultural products between states and particularly ensure sustainable food security to 255 million consumers .
7) The distrust of the agro-fuels .
At a time when biofuels are identified as part of the causes of the high cost of living in the world, there is a faction of Burkina obvious enthusiasm for the place of jatropha. It encourages producers to cultivate this plant heavily and thinks it can reduce poverty. The FPC recommends that all producers of caution and proposes a study of impact of biofuels on rural households and the environment is commissioned. "
DAO DAO Bassiaka And the president concluded:" In conclusion, the peasants and farmers of Burkina hold and believe in these measures. They base the hope of seeing them applied by the state, traders, merchants and consumers. They are essential to ensure food sovereignty in Burkina Faso, where agriculture remains the main engine of development. "
October 16, the Minister of Agriculture, Lawrence Sedego, promised "very soon, we will make the general state of agriculture and food security in Burkina Faso for all stakeholders join hands so that we can find ways and means to achieve this very quickly food security. "
We look forward to these "general statements of Agriculture and Food. With Confederation Paysanne du Faso, we believe that we urgently need "a real farm and food policy" based on full recognition of food sovereignty Burkina Faso and ECOWAS.
Koudougou, 11 December 2010 Maurice Oudet
President SEDELAN