abc Burkina No. 398
Grains in abundance in the Sahel and Africa West
According to the Permanent Inter-State Committee to Fight against Drought in the Sahel (CILSS), dated November 9, the outlook for crops in the Sahel and West Africa are good.
In Burkina, in the region of Koudougou, we can say we had a rainy season atypical. In late May, I say to Koudougou, we had almost 150 mm. But then it took until July 22 for the winter takes hold. Curiously, whereas usually, the month of August is the wettest it in September as the rains were the most abundant (with a total of 249 mm). And the rains are extended until 20 October.
The end of the rainy season has caught up. It is also a boon for farmers who are still water in ponds to water their animals, and good pasture.

For cereals, CILSS gives us the following estimates (which are yet to be confirmed):
Thanks to the good rainfall, "the agricultural prospects are good throughout the country. Overall, cereal production for 2010/2011 in the Sahel and West Africa except Senegal and Mali is 51.031 million tons against 45.486 million tonnes (2009/2010), an increase of approximately 12 % compared to last year. Compared to last year, significant increases in grain production are expected in Chad, Niger and Burkina Faso. "
" Rice production is estimated at 9.85 million tonnes (or 5% compared to 2009/2010). Declines in rice production are planned in Benin, Togo and Niger. Maize production (15,439,000 tons) up 3% from 2009/2010. The forecast production of other crops totaled 55.462 million tons (yam) and 76.304 million tonnes (cassava). Good prospects for agricultural production and grazing have caused the decline in coarse grain prices since the arrival of new crops to market. This augurs prospects of satisfactory food for the majority of pastoralists, agro and rural farmers. "
Koudougou, 18 November 2010 Maurice Oudet
President SEDELAN
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