Sunday, March 28, 2010

Icc Colour Chart Hairdressing

New crop and climate

abc Burkina No. 398
Grains in abundance in the Sahel and Africa West

According to the Permanent Inter-State Committee to Fight against Drought in the Sahel (CILSS), dated November 9, the outlook for crops in the Sahel and West Africa are good.

In Burkina, in the region of Koudougou, we can say we had a rainy season atypical. In late May, I say to Koudougou, we had almost 150 mm. But then it took until July 22 for the winter takes hold. Curiously, whereas usually, the month of August is the wettest it in September as the rains were the most abundant (with a total of 249 mm). And the rains are extended until 20 October.

The end of the rainy season has caught up. It is also a boon for farmers who are still water in ponds to water their animals, and good pasture.

For cereals, CILSS gives us the following estimates (which are yet to be confirmed):
Thanks to the good rainfall, "the agricultural prospects are good throughout the country. Overall, cereal production for 2010/2011 in the Sahel and West Africa except Senegal and Mali is 51.031 million tons against 45.486 million tonnes (2009/2010), an increase of approximately 12 % compared to last year. Compared to last year, significant increases in grain production are expected in Chad, Niger and Burkina Faso. "

" Rice production is estimated at 9.85 million tonnes (or 5% compared to 2009/2010). Declines in rice production are planned in Benin, Togo and Niger. Maize production (15,439,000 tons) up 3% from 2009/2010. The forecast production of other crops totaled 55.462 million tons (yam) and 76.304 million tonnes (cassava). Good prospects for agricultural production and grazing have caused the decline in coarse grain prices since the arrival of new crops to market. This augurs prospects of satisfactory food for the majority of pastoralists, agro and rural farmers. "

Koudougou, 18 November 2010 Maurice Oudet

President SEDELAN

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Misstymundae Spiderbabe

Good news

The electricity finally arrived at Sindou!

Friday, March 19, 2010

Ots List 8.1 Exp X99999

The March 25, 2010 at 7:30 p.m. Members of the Supervisory Board are invited to the Local Common Residential, located at No. 17 bis rue de Bonne - -94000 Creteil, to highlight the themes of the agenda set out below:
Click on image to enlarge
- Maintenance of the sandbox.
- Yard lifts.
- Heating.
- Review of current contracts.
- Agenda of the next AGM 2010.
Maintenance Budget - Budget improving existing
- Specific issues for each building
- Validation of communication document of March.
Roland PAGES - President of the CS
--- oo O oo ---
Participation: COFEG.

Friday, March 12, 2010

What Can I Call My Beauty Salon


The upgrading of the lift located at No. 40 Avenue Laferrière just ended.

will work lasted about 4 weeks. There are still some finishing touches to be made by the Company Eger-EMPA under the control of Mr. Foreman VARESE .

Chief Inspector Group VERITAS Philippe ARNAUD undertook audits and testing of the elevator. These have been inconclusive and approved. Has no particular comment, it seems, been called into question the work done. The restarting of the lift can not therefore delay.

There is a detail inside the cabin to perform particular the establishment of a small handrail and a metal plate to fill the space left after removing the call buttons replaced by a new system similar to that used elsewhere in place in other elevators of the Residence.

The Panel's report should be VERITAS issued shortly.

Restarting the lift of 40 Laferrière could take place early in the week probably on Monday 15 or Tuesday, March 16, 2010.

An addendum to the law regarding the upgrading of lifts, submitted by Mr. Philippe ARNAUD Chief Inspector Group Veritas ===> For elevators installed prior to August 27, 2000:
1) lifts which have been the work of making safe before July 3, 2008 will be a technical inspection before July 3, 2009;
2) lifts which will be subject to work after July 3, 2008 (to which the postponement date) will be a technical inspection in the year following the completion of work;
3) in any event the first technical inspection will take place before December 31, 2011 for any lift installed before August 27, 2000.

course Bureau Veritas is at your disposal to check this on your installation or all of the condominium units.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Smart Charger Schematic

Building a loft Sindou

A Sindou, in the old village, every family court totaled several rounds topped with a hat of thatch, are the granaries used to store the crops from one season to another and also to hide any money or valuable jewelry! ...

When the walls of an attic begin to deteriorate The owner demolished it and rebuilt it helped one or two masons. A summary base made of stones and pieces of wood elevates the floor to prevent noise and preserve grain moisture. The base material is clay mixed with water, straw and sand.
construction is complete, smooth and wet clay is coated waterproof plaster walls, then left to dry before applying the thatched conical shape. Thatch is determined by the fiber on a wooden frame. The dome protects the broad thatched walls of rain.
window, high-pitched, is the only opening of the attic, only the owner is reached, a wooden mortar back makes a good stepladder ...

Solution To Bus Crowded Problem

masks in Burkina Faso and Sindou

I photographed these zoomorphic masks at the National Museum of Ouagadougou, in addition to masks, this antique fabrics and musical instruments. The different objects are not all stored in one place, for lack of space in buildings dedicated to these arts, although the museum is a fairly recent construction.
anthropomorphic masks
They represent men or women. They embody the elders, priests, hunters and warlocks. There are masks female figure next to masks male figure.

Masks anthropozoomorphes :
They combine animal traits and human traits, but with the preponderance of the human face. The man's face is then assigned a usually ornamental device consisting of elements borrowed from the animal (horns, feathers, teeth).

Mask "denies as much as he says" according to formulation Claude Levi-Strauss. Although endowed with a secret, silent, in fact, that only the initiated should know. Its power is also its ability to embody a spirit, a bond between humans and ancestors, the visible and the invisible. The mask is associated with myths and rituals, social and economic functions, in most traditional societies. The masks are used in initiation ceremonies or funeral or on the occasion of festivities.

The funeral mask retains its mystery ...

funerary mask in. ..

Sindou I attended a funeral for a former village chief,
preparations meet the women of the family of the deceased and the neighboring village, the excitement is great and masks out ... The children are afraid, they flee back then, frightened and attracted by these elusive forms dancing and jumping around the place ... These dances follow a traditional dance which is related with what the mask symbolizes. Being associated with death and the exclusive world of men, the masks are supposed to have also the power terrify women. During the ceremony which I see only one party, the other part being hidden from the uninitiated, animals, provided by the villagers who requested the ceremony, are slaughtered and cut on site.

I use this page on masks to tell you about an exhibition of the Musée du Quai Branly, entitled "Factory of the image.
link: of Tuesday, February 16, 2010 to Sunday, July 17, 2011
With 160 works and objects from 5 continents, it invites a decryption of great artistic and material humanity to reveal what can not be seen immediately in an image.

This image understanding is based on four main models iconological created by mankind, beyond any geographical or chronological classification, whether Africa, in Europe of the fifteenth-sixteenth centuries, the Americas, the Amazonian Indians and Inuit of Alaska and into the Australian Aborigines. The exhibition reveals these 4 models - 4 large reflecting worldviews - that is totemism, naturalism, animism and analogy.
With Factory images, visitors can discover the different principles by which decryption civilizations see the world and report.