Françoise Gründ etnoscènologue, wrote a new book published by the publisher Glénat "Rituals". I heard him during a radio interview, and she helped me to clarify some practical discoveries Sindou, relating to fetishism ...
Journalist and first doctor in scénologie (that is to say science spectacular forms) from France, Françoise Gründ was also Director of the Festival of Traditional Arts and artistic director for eighteen years in the House of World Cultures Paris. A world traveler for thirty-five, she is also the author of several books on the spectacular forms that can be found worldwide. Franchise Gründ now devotes his time to writing, painting and stage design.
Box fetishes in a hamlet of Sindou, the appearance of masks during certain events, including the death of a person, dances, rocks collected in one place ... all these expressions that we perplexing meet rituals which basically says Francoise Gründ they strengthen the social bond.

The ritual is a negotiation with the gods, the forces against which we feel weak, you're scared. The ritual is a commitment to conjure fear and continue to live. Forms and defenses vary from one country to another but are found everywhere in the world of rituals, dramatic human forms that respond to some key issues related to death, suffering, hunger, sexology and work ...
In the West, the word ritual is scary, is associated with magic, but the therapy rituals exist without the need to heal. Wonder our rituals, such as seasonal migration on sunny days, which correspond ... "We lost the gap, availability in addition, to the incomprehensible, we lost the sense of magnifiscence and wonderful. "

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