Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Obesity Ratio In Singapore


Françoise Gründ etnoscènologue, wrote a new book published by the publisher Glénat "Rituals". I heard him during a radio interview, and she helped me to clarify some practical discoveries Sindou, relating to fetishism ...

Journalist and first doctor in scénologie (that is to say science spectacular forms) from France, Françoise Gründ was also Director of the Festival of Traditional Arts and artistic director for eighteen years in the House of World Cultures Paris. A world traveler for thirty-five, she is also the author of several books on the spectacular forms that can be found worldwide. Franchise Gründ now devotes his time to writing, painting and stage design.

Box fetishes in a hamlet of Sindou, the appearance of masks during certain events, including the death of a person, dances, rocks collected in one place ... all these expressions that we perplexing meet rituals which basically says Francoise Gründ they strengthen the social bond.

The ritual is a negotiation with the gods, the forces against which we feel weak, you're scared. The ritual is a commitment to conjure fear and continue to live. Forms and defenses vary from one country to another but are found everywhere in the world of rituals, dramatic human forms that respond to some key issues related to death, suffering, hunger, sexology and work ...
In the West, the word ritual is scary, is associated with magic, but the therapy rituals exist without the need to heal. Wonder our rituals, such as seasonal migration on sunny days, which correspond ... "We lost the gap, availability in addition, to the incomprehensible, we lost the sense of magnifiscence and wonderful. "

Monday, February 8, 2010

My Dog Cant Remember And Has Fits

Pierre RABHI in Burkina Faso

I thought he was honest that I do know two sources of thought and work are important to me (with La Via Campesina and ATTAC!), these are the articles and texts SEDELAN Pierre RABHI.
SEDELAN Service Publishing in national languages of Burkina Faso is installed in the buildings of the Community of Missionaries of Africa ... The objectives of Koudougou SEDELAN are not fixed, but seek above all to meet the needs of rural areas and farmers' organizations in Burkina Faso.
Here is the address of their website where you can find http://www.abcburkina.net/ this article.

Pierre Rabhi, recognized worldwide for its action in favor of agroecology has visited Burkina Faso in early February. The interview was conducted by Fabrizio Lassina Sanou, a journalist in the newspaper "The Nation". The Country ": What is the purpose of your visit here in Burkina?
Pierre Rabhi: I have long worked in Burkina Faso since 1981. I been responsible for the training center for Agroecology of Gorom-Gorom. I return with my partners to see how we will still continue. In fact, I myself have my own farm in France. I came here on a mission, under the Centre international relationship between farmers for development (criada). Since 1981, I had therefore to promote agroecology here, at the same time as I continued to manage my own farm in France. I always come for Agroecology since we are doing perceive as hunger is increasing, there is climate change, there are problems of fertilizer, because fertilizer costs of increasingly expensive and now there are lots of people say the third world who face the problem of "what kind of agriculture for the world today?" , Especially when one is in the Sahel as here, who have suffered drought, climate change important. You should know that in the 70s, there was a huge climate change through drought. Then, finally, between the drought, the high cost of fertilizers and their adverse impact on the environment, we must find a way. The only possible way today, which is known worldwide, is agroecology. In just
, more detailed What is agroecology?
In "Agroecology" there "agro" and "ecology". Modern agriculture is based on chemical fertilizers, pesticides, seeds. I witnessed the devastating effects of chemical farming on soil, water pollution, loss largely domestic biodiversity. So I chose myself to manage my own farm in agroecology. People were not sure what it was. Except that we have demonstrated that agroecology, even in arid soils is the best answer, compared to any other method. Here, soils are dry. The dryness that there is a very strong sunlight. This strong sunlight sterilizes the soil, that is to say it makes them hot. Thereby removing the microbes that are essential to their functioning. For us, a soil is alive. It's full of microbes, earthworms, insects, etc.. It's like a stomach that works. And in this soil, when you put seeds, materials are developed by the soil. If the soil does not get what he needs to develop these substances, it therefore has a weakened metabolism. One element that is absolutely essential to the life of the soil is humus. The soils here are simultaneously dry and bare.
When rain falls, it erodes the soil, water goes into taking the land. So there is a huge problem because it loses both water and land. Agroecology is to nourish the soil and fertilize with organic materials developed. Taking these organic matter, manure, straw, etc.. and were passed through a fermentation protocol, putting them in piles and the humectant. In a biological process, it will produce humus, after two months. And humus has several advantages. On the one hand, there is a physical advantage. When it comes to soil is too sandy, with no body, for example, it gives it body. When it comes to land too hard, with lots of clay, it loosens the soil. Humus has the ability to retain up to five times its own weight in water. Some times of compost retain up to ten times their weight in water. To fight against drought, it's ideal.


Moreover, it are all the necessary nutrients to the plant. There are also bacteria. The bacteria are especially important. The compost is made, it is a yeast and it has infested, positively, from the soil microbes. These microbes will go to work and revitalize the soil. Agroecology takes to regenerate the environment. There is the storm water management through control techniques against soil erosion, water harvesting in soils. Moreover, we must introduce reforestation. The tree is extremely important for several reasons. Agroecology is all that and the backup seeds. We lost a lot of traditional seeds, suitable for seeds. But we must do everything to recover the traditional seeds. Agroecology is also a philosophy. This point returns to the love of the earth. We love the land that feeds us. It is treated because he loves and the caregiver, she feeds us.
To hear you, you do not like GM!
I am openly against GMOs because the so-called chimeras. Nature has never mixed species in this way, I mean from the genes. For a long time it has crossed plants, but we never touched the genes. GM is also Genetically modified and patented. So that people can no longer access these seeds without paying. We know that the so-called developing countries have many difficulties and that is why we are opposed to GMOs, because they make addicts. These are transinternationaux who make profits on all that and it removes the freedom and independence of peoples.

Are you satisfied with the conclusions of the Copenhagen summit?
Not at all. I've seen today as the third person in ecology in France. I never believed that during these peaks we can truly address the issues of ecology. There are too many financial interests. The summit was a fiasco because behind it there are many more financial interests that interest for nature and for humans.
What do you think African policies on agriculture?
The food issue is becoming increasingly serious because there are international companies who have arranged to confiscate to humanity's ability to survive by itself. Today it is a tribute to the peasantry, and care for her attend training. A country that does not eat, can not be a free country. Just as a human being who does not live can not be a free man. The country can be free by their peasantry, provided to deal with it really support it, support it, promote it.
Tell us about your foundation that you want to set up here in Burkina.
I came to establish the Foundation Stone for Agroecology Rabhi, security and food safety. I mean security, in quantitative terms, it is necessary that countries can feed their children and prepare future generations to be future citizens. There is also the issue of safety, that is to say that the food vehicle today nuisances that are highly detrimental to public health. We put a lot of chemicals and have many friends that scientists now show that food destroys physical health when toxic vehicle. I used to say that soon, when we invite each other to eat, it will be like good luck, because in fact any food today can transmit diseases. We feel the rise of cancers, blood disorders, even brain diseases that are caused by a diet that vehicle nuisance. So with regard to agro-ecology is to produce in quantity, but also in quality. The food should be our medicine. The peasant must come before the doctor. If one is well fed, much of the pathologies disappear. Interview by Fabrice Lassina SANOU

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

How Long Should I Charge 12v Battery

WTO agriculture agreement blocked

At the WTO (World Trade Organization), the general principle of the negotiations is that of the single undertaking: there is no agreement as states are not agree on everything. Historically, two cases have helped to block a broad agreement, agriculture and access to nonagricultural says "NAMA" in English. If
for the OECD (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development), agricultural activity accounts for only a few percentage points of GDP for many countries in the world, it is essentially activity
the, often vital, upon which the majority of the population, while it determines the power of the entire population of cities. Burkina Faso is in this situation where the low price of rice, corn and cotton imports originate from the agricultural subsidies
tions of the major powers to export ...
Small and medium states are struggling to counter the will of major players, there is nothing new on the table. Worse, in the current talks, the risk is that multilateralism which boasts the WTO into a series of bilateral negotiations, which would remove any possibility of coalition small and medium states ...
(source: Bulletin No. 79 of "Lines of ATTAC", newsletter of the Association for the Taxation of Financial Transactions and citizen action).

Furthermore, farming in Burkina Faso, including food crops, also suffers from the strategies of intermediate wholesalers require farmers to sell at prices lower and lower. Thus, more than a decade after its launch, the chain of cashew nut (cashew fruit, cashew is cultivated by farmers particularly in the area of Sindou and Banfora) failed to chart its own course. The performances are quickly confronted with the precipitous decline in the price of nuts on the market. 300-F kg in 2002, the price of a kilo of raw nuts in 2006 fell to less than 100F (this is farm-gate prices). While production is increasing from year to year, are buyers who impose their prices to farmers . These farmers practice mixed farming with methods and tools mostly traditional but evolving and can provide good yields, without using chemical fertilizers and pesticides ... well, the manure of chickens when they are high barn (which is again Sindou but is increasing in the country) is a fertilizer used by the younger generation of farmers. These new methods of cultivation and livestock (such as manure pit and Zai) were introduced by agronomists Burkinabe, accompanied or not by NGOs.