One aspect of the bus station

Through the bus window, early morning, December 14, 2009 ...

Here is a Cooperative, the GAFREH, we discovered in Bobo-Dioulasso, which manufactures items made from recycled plastic bags made by women. The activity of Gafreh allows these women to gain financial independence through their work and helps preserve the environment.

Plastic bags are collected abandoned after use in Bobo-Dioulasso and surrounding area in each district where there are women's collectives refuse collection, Saniya ("cleanliness" in Dioula). After cleaning the raw material, women's association cut thin strips of plastic, these strips are then assembled, wired and mounted on the loom.

Objects are different: bags, keychains, dolls, belts and even small furniture

The recycling center is Gafreh a workplace but also to meet and conviviality. Ms. Christiana Lamizana is president of Women's Action for Economic Recovery Houet (GAFREH) since its inception in 1995. Originally, the women who founded this organization wanted to show their sisters than their contributions and their collections can be used not only to finance the ceremonies such as weddings or baptisms, but also to initiate development projects and improve their living conditions.
The collective of associations has also introduced a few years since a microcredit program, funded by its main partner, the PAMER, Project Support to Rural Micro-Enterprises, which also funded much of the machinery of the recycling center.
The association wants to buy three new machines for sewing, and a machine to melt the plastic, but currently lacks funding. A project to expand the activities of the Association for composting household waste, to create an extra source of income is considered. Finally, the GAFREH wants to strengthen its advertising campaigns to find more customers outside the tourist season (October-February).
The address of their website allows you contact them directly for ordering or help ... http://www.gafreh.org
The GAFREH Know that was showcased during the fashion shows of Ethical Fashion Show in 2006. Moreover, the association acts in France in partnership with the Association Débrouille , which is responsible for marketing the recycled products. The purpose of the association is to increase exchanges and transfers of know-how to effectively reuse waste. With source reduction, recovery (collection and sorting), reuse, reuse and recycling of wastes présentent comme des initiatives positives pour une meilleure gestion des déchets.
SITE : bebrouille.ovh.org
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