Friday, January 29, 2010

Hallucinations When Giving Up Smoking

A day in Bobo-Dioulasso

One aspect of the bus station

Through the bus window, early morning, December 14, 2009 ...

Here is a Cooperative, the GAFREH, we discovered in Bobo-Dioulasso, which manufactures items made from recycled plastic bags made by women. The activity of Gafreh allows these women to gain financial independence through their work and helps preserve the environment.

Plastic bags are collected abandoned after use in Bobo-Dioulasso and surrounding area in each district where there are women's collectives refuse collection, Saniya ("cleanliness" in Dioula). After cleaning the raw material, women's association cut thin strips of plastic, these strips are then assembled, wired and mounted on the loom.

Objects are different: bags, keychains, dolls, belts and even small furniture

The recycling center is Gafreh a workplace but also to meet and conviviality. Ms. Christiana Lamizana is president of Women's Action for Economic Recovery Houet (GAFREH) since its inception in 1995. Originally, the women who founded this organization wanted to show their sisters than their contributions and their collections can be used not only to finance the ceremonies such as weddings or baptisms, but also to initiate development projects and improve their living conditions.
The collective of associations has also introduced a few years since a microcredit program, funded by its main partner, the PAMER, Project Support to Rural Micro-Enterprises, which also funded much of the machinery of the recycling center.

The association wants to buy three new machines for sewing, and a machine to melt the plastic, but currently lacks funding. A project to expand the activities of the Association for composting household waste, to create an extra source of income is considered. Finally, the GAFREH wants to strengthen its advertising campaigns to find more customers outside the tourist season (October-February).

The address of their website allows you contact them directly for ordering or help ...

The GAFREH Know that was showcased during the fashion shows of Ethical Fashion Show in 2006. Moreover, the association acts in France in partnership with the Association Débrouille , which is responsible for marketing the recycled products. The purpose of the association is to increase exchanges and transfers of know-how to effectively reuse waste. With source reduction, recovery (collection and sorting), reuse, reuse and recycling of wastes présentent comme des initiatives positives pour une meilleure gestion des déchets.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Bottomless Bathing Suit

Scenes of everyday life in Sindou

PETITS COMMERCES (service ou alimentation...)

HABITAT et EQUIPEMENT (Privés : cour, rue, ustensils, petits équipements,moyens de transport et Publics : fontaine publique, écoles, lycée...)

Welcome Speech For School Annual Function Sample

Food crops trade and globalization ... Leaving a second time

A Sindou, I witnessed a scene of threshing rice, sweat with them! whole family is involved in this event, men, women, kids, everyone has their role, plus musicians who set the pace for drummers! Rice is grown mainly to feed the family, the farmer who hosted us for threshing rice has 4 wives and 26 children!

This farmer is far Sindou government directions on rice :
... "When the crisis came, we thought it was wrong to turn its back on food crops, says Sédogo Lawrence, Minister of Agriculture, Water and Fishery Resources. Now it is on food crops, including grain, the new agricultural policy focuses. " This quote is taken from No. 2554 of the magazine "Jeune Afrique", from 20 to 26 December 2009, which includes a record of Burkina Faso, with the title "Burkina 2010, the year of all challenges". With presidential elections in December 2010, agriculture has an important place in the ...
We learn, from the mouth of the Minister of Agriculture, that "it is encourage farmers to produce for the market and become entrepreneurs. If cotton producers and crop cons season have incorporated this logic, this is not the case of grain, which produce mainly for own consumption "...
He speaks thus commercial food crops, maize, rice, cowpea, sesame, potatoes and green beans, whose production will be increased in quantity and quality. "So many units production of fruit juices, processed corn or rice milling have been created in recent years "...

" In Burkina, the minister said, rice consumption in cities increases by 6% annually . Total consumption is around 400 000 tons, yet we produce only 30% to 35% of our needs. And to increase production, we rely on NERICA, "New Rice for Africa". This is sometimes referred to improved seed.

In a briefing note (which I discovered on the site on the organizational arrangements for marketing the product rice under the 2008/2009 marketing year is is good news "for the first time the government talks about setting a floor price for rice paddy. But bad news: while the producers demand a price floor height of 175 CFAF, the government would impose a price floor height of 115 CFAF. What does this when the government floor price, in the same document acknowledges that at present farmers are already selling their paddy at 150 F, 175 F or 190 F le kilo ? Ce prix n'arrange pas les producteurs qui le trouve beaucoup trop bas et pensent que le gouvernement le fixe en accord avec les banques et les commerçants, pas en accord avec les paysans...
Le gouvernement reconnaît le rôle important joué par les femmes pour la transformation du riz paddy collecté par les coopératives auprès des paysans producteurs, c'est une bonne nouvelle mais il refuse des aides aux femmes étuveuses qui se sont organisées en coopératives de transformation du riz paddy cultivé par les paysans, leurs maris.. Pourtant, ce même gouvernement répète à l'envie qu'il veut faire reculer la pauvreté dans le monde rural. Or appuyer les étuveuses, c'est soutenir 15 to 20 000 families, and soon double, if we take into account that their organizations are fully extended! Is to reduce poverty in rural areas. Support intermediate-processors is support only 15 families. The government's choice is amazing "...
A site visit:

The policy guidelines for agricultural cotton are even more disturbing. The minister said "the goal is not to increase the area but yields, from 1 to 1.5 tons per hectare, using higher yielding varieties and better soil fertilizer, continuing cultivation of genetically modified cotton, with the goal to plant some 60,000 hectares.
Indeed, it is now possible, in Burkina Faso to grow transgenic cotton. You should know that in 2007, transgenic cotton accounted for 43% of world production. "In the fields, it reduces the drudgery and dangers to our health-related use insecticides, "say producers.
In contrast, with a different approach and having the desire to preserve their environment, producers are engaged in the production of organic fair trade cotton , it seems that prices for sale are higher than for conventional cotton. I learned that Banfora, 50 km from Sindou, there is a factory used by these producers ginning cotton organic fair.

A Sindou Most farmers are of mixed farming and they have only animal power to cultivate their land. I saw, outside the village, a small tractor in a field half a hectare on to corn ... The farmers grow cotton of medium quality, it's a resource that has helped support millions of peasants until the market is flooded with subsidized products ... Now, revenues are declining cotton , difficulties in transportation between the track and Sindou Banfora are also a handicap to the maintenance of mixed food.
Farmers can they trust a government that pushes the commercial cultivation of cotton, a crop that is highly dependent on world markets and that talks "to force the World Trade Organization (WTO) to prohibit subsidies". .. But what means do they give to their own producers? How decisions of the Minister of Agriculture can take practical measures for agriculture and food sovereignty? ...

A little history: I found in
"phantom Africa" by Michel Leiris, published in 1934, a book particularly dear Dionysius, a reference to the cultivation of cotton
"Factory Tour cotton, with the Comptroller of Customs acting, which just make us a basket of tangerines. Machinery. earners. And I thought, going to the country Azande, find a little wildness! In fact savagery , trouble customs. But, do not we been told in Bangui since qulques years, many of these Azande (or "Niam Niam," cannibals specialist) does not disdain to wear the bowler hat? "(Michel Leiris, at the time, ethnographer and Maurice Griaule, anthropologist, explored colonial Africa from West to East, from Dakar to Djibouti, between 1931 and 1933). (chiefdoms (a) Zande were distributed in Central Africa, they have been "contacted "by European adventurers and traders Muslims since 1860. In 1926, the anthropologist EE Evans-Pritchard studied their institutions ...)
In a postscript to the opportunity to draw new, Michel Leiris wrote: "To my regret, I do not believe this testimony could be considered better than by those whose ghostly depends to a large extent the future of this new Africa where People who elbow each other since my trip to the past, have begun to free themselves, very uncertain and, overall, a fashion quite bad to worse for that is sadly justified the use of the term "neo-colonialist ism. "In August 1988, he published" Five studies ethnology, "with a new drawing in 1997.

Another concern, Burkina turns to culture Jatropha for production of agro-diesel . According to a government official, jatropha should not be seen as a new oil. Yet a first production unit of agro-diesel will work shortly Kossodo, near the capital, Ouagadougou. Owned by Belwet Biofuels, created by a traditional ruler, it has a capacity of 30 tonnes of seeds per day, for a production of 375 tonnes of oil per year. By 2020, the goal is to reach production of 50,000 tons, with a cultivated area of 200,000 hectares! Something to give reason for pessimism of the Confederation peasant Faso ; for it, "the risk of monoculture is not ruled out whether this new cash crop became lucrative ...