Second departure for Sindou, where I lived from 2 to 14 December 2009.
Sindou is a village in southwestern Burkina Faso, located over 500 km from the capital Ouagadougou and forty borders of Côte d'Ivoire and Mali.
I revisited the village of Sindou accompanied by a documentary filmmaker Denys Piningre, who ended a shooting for which he spent five years in a row in this village. The film will be released at the end of the year. A Sindou, the people are still waiting for electricity ... (
From 18 pm to 6 am so we all live in the black, it must adapt our working rhythms and sleep, our plans and desires ... the inevitable transformation of the village with electricity may be experienced by some as a lost paradise ... And yet I understand the desire of the inhabitants of Sindou to extend their activities late into the night with electric light and, for some, investing in projects where the mechanization of work should enable them to consider improving of their income ...
This also familiar to me now, I refer also to other past, and I remember I always had fun in those other areas, live and think differently about my relationship to others, my family and friends ... In this elsewhere
what Sindou, knowledge and friends Burkinabe welcome us with warmth, generosity and tolerance, they answer our questions Europeans although they sometimes do not respond to their realities or their way of thinking and that's where it all begins ... stirs and challenges some of our eyes and our certainties.
I move in a short time, a series of photos taken at Sindou, where I deepened my encounters and experiences new situations ... The familiarity gained with some residents of Sindou allows for further reflection and prevents All played in the emotion ...
When I wonder what led me to return to Sindou, of course there is the desire to participate in the filming of the movie (which should have been done in March) but also the need to better understand what I screws and friends that live in Burkina Faso. There is also a question of my commitment to solidarity (not humanitarian) and my intolerance of growing inequality in our society but also in the world. Over time, relationships can be forged on another mode, networks of solidarity and resistance can be created ...
Coincidentally, No. 2554, from 20 to 26 December 2009, the weekly "Jeune Afrique" has a central folder on Burkina, with the headline: "2010, the year of all challenges". .. presidential election, employment, agriculture, industry, business climate (translation: corruption!). We will have the opportunity to speak.
Overview of the Sahara:

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