On March 25, 2010 8:15 p.m. to Mr and Mrs M .... Laferrière residence were victims of armed assault committed by young children. They have used a bomb lacrymogège to recover a vehicle keys at the same time the owners to park their VL maneuvered inside their box located opposite the square Laferrière.
CRETEIL Police immediately notified, went very quickly on site to expedite their investigation, interview victims and take some photos that will be attached to the précédure. The floor of CRETEIL was seized.
The police investigation is ongoing.
CRETEIL Police immediately notified, went very quickly on site to expedite their investigation, interview victims and take some photos that will be attached to the précédure. The floor of CRETEIL was seized.
The police investigation is ongoing.
Click HERE to access the letter written by people assaulted